Proposal for Mobile Medical Units in CDMX

Deputy Pedro Haces Lago proposes to create mobile medical units in Mexico City to provide primary and psychological care to people in street situations. This effort aims to guarantee access to health as a fundamental right for all.

Proposal for Mobile Medical Units in CDMX

Morena deputy Pedro Haces Lago presented an initiative in the Congress of Mexico City for the creation of mobile medical units. The main objective of these units would be to provide primary care, treatment for common illnesses, psychological care, and preventive services to vulnerable populations in the capital.

Haces Lago emphasized that mobile medical units are considered an immediate and flexible response to provide medical attention where it is most needed. The initiative seeks to add a Chapter XV Bis and an Article 99 Bis to the Health Law of Mexico City to establish the operation of such units as part of a comprehensive social inclusion strategy.

According to data from the Annual Count of People in a Situation of Street 2023-2024, around 1,124 people reside on the streets of Mexico City, many of whom have physical and mental health problems. These individuals do not receive adequate medical care due to economic, social, and administrative barriers.

The proposed care model is based on "The 4 As of Social Inclusion": Approach, Attention, Activation, and Accompaniment. Haces Lago stressed that access to health must be guaranteed for all individuals, regardless of their economic condition or living situation.

Pedro Haces Lago's initiative was sent to the Health Commission for analysis and report. In the deputy's opinion, this proposal not only responds to an urgent need but will also help improve the efficiency and reach of the public health system in Mexico City.